10 Yard Dumpster


10’ X 8’ X 40” (LxWxH)

Great for:

  • Construction Debris
  • Small home cleanout
  • Roofing shingles and debris

Same day service available. Price is for 7 day rental.  Additional charges may apply.

See limits below.




  • Solid & Organic Waste 5 tons
  • Construction Debris 5 tons
  • Trash & household items (1 ton limit-$75/ton for additional)

No fuel surcharge for rentals within 12 miles from shop located at 2246 Wadsworth Rd. Norton.
$6.50 additional per loaded mile after 12 miles.
*Length of Rental: 7 days. $10 per day for additional days.
Nick’s Landscaping reserves the right to pick up dumpster rental at any time and pro-rated terms will apply.
*Prices listed are cash prices. Local tax rate will be applied if paying by check, credit or debit card.
*Prices and rental length terms are subject to change based on market conditions and the discretion of Nick’s Landscaping.